Working holiday in Korea: The total guide to acquiring a Visa

In this post, I’ll discuss whatever you requirement to understand about acquiring a working holiday visa in Korea. 

From mouth-watering BBQ dishes to jaw-dropping scenery as well as landscapes, South Korea is an perfect destination for travelers of all ages. Whether you’re soaking in the neon city lights of Seoul or hiking the snow-capped peaks of the Taebaek Mountains, experience awaits you in the Land of the morning Calm.

It likewise occurs to be one of the most desirable destinations for a working holiday. Korea attracts young travelers excited to spend much more than just a short trip getting to understand its rich 5,000-year-old history as well as culture.

In this guide, I’ll cover who can apply for a working holiday in Korea, what to expect, as well as exactly how to land the ideal job. If you’re thinking about this once-in-a-lifetime experience, then look no further!

Table of Contents
What is a working holiday in Korea?
Who is Eligible for a working holiday in Korea?
How Do I get a working holiday in Korea?
How Do I begin working on My working holiday Visa in Korea?
What type of work Can You Do On a working holiday in Korea?
Where Can I discover working holiday Jobs?
Disadvantages of the working holiday Program in Korea
What Can I expect from the working holiday Program in Korea?
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What is a working holiday in Korea?

On a working holiday visa, you’ll be able to travel, live, as well as work in South Korea. Although you’ll have the chance to make money, the main function of your go to ought to be to travel. This is an outstanding chance for young travelers who want to experience firsthand what a different country as well as culture is like.

Working holiday participants are likewise enabled to work in purchase to supplement their travel funds. as well as if you want to go to institution or research study during your time abroad, you can do that as well. numerous participants are enabled to research study Korean for a specific number of months on their visa.

If accepted into the program, you will be issued an H-1 visa. This working holiday visa is valid for 12 months, which implies you have one full year to travel as well as work in South Korea. However, us citizens are able to get an 18-month visa.

Best of all, you don’t requirement a formal task offer in purchase to find to Korea on a working holiday visa. You can look for employment when you arrive, in any type of city that sparks your interest.

If you’re prepared to travel the world as well as experience a new culture, then a working holiday in Korea may be the ideal choice for you!

☞ SEE ALSO: How To get a working holiday Visa Worldwide

Who is Eligible for a working holiday in Korea?

To take part in the working holiday program, you should be a resident from a country with a bilateral working holiday contract with South Korea.

Korea has this contract with 25 countries, including Australia, Canada, new Zealand, the United Kingdom, as well as the United States. A total listing of participating countries can be discovered on the Korean Ministry of foreign Affairs website.

You likewise requirement to be between the ages of 18 as well as 30. However, this age limitation is inclusive, which implies you can apply anytime before you turn 31 years old.

To apply for the working holiday program, you should show you have adequate funds in your bank account. You requirement to have funds equivalent to KRW 3,000,000 ($2,500), in addition to a return airfare or money to purchase a return flight.

Some countries may need background checks, which implies you cannot have any type of criminal history or considerable health and wellness issues. Finally, you should have health and wellness insurance coverage during your entire working holiday stay.

☞ SEE ALSO: exactly how To get a working holiday Visa in Germany

How Do I get a working holiday in Korea?

The application is fairly straightforward. Each country has its own application process as well as requirements, complying with the exact same guidelines below.

It’s essential to note that applicants should apply from within their house country. However, Australians are likewise enabled to apply for the program from Japan (Tokyo), China (Beijing, Shanghai), Hong Kong, as well as Taiwan.

Keep in mind that there is no on the internet application system. Therefore, applications should be sent in the mail or directly to the embassy.

Here are the steps to take for acquiring a working holiday visa in Korea:

See if Your country has a Visa Quota

Some countries only have a set number of working holiday visas todistribute each year. when the quota has been filled, you will no longer be able to apply for the visa. You should wait up until the complying with year to re-apply.

Canada has 4,000 visas, new Zealand has 3,000, the UK has 1,000, as well as the us has 2,000. Australia, on the other hand, has an limitless number of working holiday visas.

Complete the Visa Application Form

Your next step is to total the visa application form. fill out your personal information, education, work experience, as well as details of your meant visit. You will likewise requirement to offer monetary info for your stay in Korea, including your expected travel as well as lodging costs.

The application type can be discovered here. keep in mind to print as well as fill out the info utilizing Korean, or English block letters.

Write a travel Plan

All working holiday applicants are needed to submit a travel plan together with their application. In this travel plan, you’ll outline your motivation for concerning Korea as well as your objective with a working holiday.

In the travel plan, include where you plan to stay, what type of work you’re looking for, as well as any type of other activities you want to take part in during your time in Korea. The much more info you provide, the much more convincing your application will be to the regional authorities.

Gather All required Documents

To apply for the H-1 visa, you requirement to make sure you have the complying with files as well as information:

A completed as well as signed visa application form

Travel plan

Passport with six months validity left

Proof of health and wellness insurance coverage (with KRW 40,000,000 minimum coverage)

Proof of adequate funds (like a printed bank statement)

Health inspect **only needed for some countries**

Criminal background inspect **only needed for some countries**

Self-addressed pre-paid postage for return (if applying by mail)

Visa application charge (between $45-80 depending upon nationality)

Please speak with with your regional embassy to verify the precise demands needed to apply for the working holiday visa.

Send ansøgningen

There are two choices for submitting your working holiday application. You can either send it with the mail or provide it in person to the embassy in your house country. Some embassies need that you make an visit ahead of time, while others accept walk-ins.

Once the docs are submitted, the immigration policeman will identify if you satisfy the eligibility requirements for an H-1 working holiday visa. If you’ve been accepted into the program, you will get your passport with your one-year (or 18-month) visa for Korea.

Generally speaking, the visa processing time is around one to two weeks. because processing times vary between embassies, you can inspect the precise wait time on their websites. keep in mind that this timeframe may be longer if you send your application in the mail because you requirement to take shipment time into account.

Once you get your visa, it’s time to celebrate as well as begin making plans for your trip to Korea!

How Do I begin working on My working holiday Visa in Korea?

After you book your flight, pack your bags, as well as state goodbye to your friends, you’ll be on your method to Korea in no time. starting a new experience in Korea is exciting, however don’t fail to remember to total the complying with steps before you begin working on your working holiday visa.

Register with the Authorities

Once you land in Korea, you have exactly 90 days to register with the nearest immigration office. You will then get a foreigner’s card, which is required to lawfully work as well as open a bank account. The foreigner’s card is the single many essential file you ought to have during your working holiday.

Appointments should be booked on the internet as well as in advance. Bring the complying with files on the day of your arranged appointment:

Valid passport

Completed application type (Available at Korea immigration Center)

A charge of 30,000 KRW ($25)

Travel plans

Housing contract Document

1 Photo, size 3.5×4.5cm with a white background

During your appointment, the immigration policeman will take your fingerprints as well as evaluation your documents. After three or four weeks, you can return to the office to pick up your registration card. keep this card on you whatsoever times!

Open a bank Account

A Korean bank account is needed if you want to get paid for your work during your working holiday. The great news is that opening a bank account is extremely simple in Korea.Vælg først den filial, du gerne vil banke med. For at åbne en konto kræver du kun dit pas såvel som udenlandsk hjemmekort. Det fineste af alt er det helt gratis at åbne en bankkonto.

Hvilken type arbejde kan du udføre på en arbejdsferie i Korea?

På et fungerende ferievisum kan du arbejde i praktisk talt enhver type type job. Du kan dog ikke arbejde i et dygtigt erhverv, som en læge, pilot, atlet eller entertainer. Det er ligeledes vigtigt at bemærke, at du ikke kan instruere engelsk på et arbejdsherievisum. Hvis du gerne vil instruere engelsk, skal du ansøge om et E2 -visum.

Du er heller ikke aktiveret til at arbejde på fuld tid, da H-1 specificerer, at du kun kan arbejde maksimalt 1.300 timer for året.

Afhængig af din nationalitet kan der være begrænsninger for din beskæftigelseslængde. For eksempel er australiere kun i stand til at arbejde seks måneder med den nøjagtige samme arbejdsgiver. På den anden side kan New Zealand, Canadian, UK såvel som amerikanske borgere arbejde for nøjagtigt den samme arbejdsgiver i løbet af deres visum.

Når det vedrører at opdage arbejde i Korea, har overholdelsen af ​​markederne de mest betydningsfulde chancer for at arbejde feriedeltagere.


Ved at tiltrække millioner af turister hvert år er Korea en af ​​de mest gik til lande i Asien. Med turisme, der støt vokser, søger vandrerhjem, hoteller såvel som resorts altid efter engelsktalende personale. At være tosproget er også nyttigt, fordi du vil være i stand til at interagere med en række gæster såvel som turister.

I gæstfrihedsbranchen kan du arbejde i reception eller modtagelse som en concierge -hjælper, en turguide eller endda som en Bellhop. Hvis du har interpersonelle færdigheder såvel som at arbejde med mennesker, kan en opgave på gæstfrihedsmarkedet være noget for dig.

Au par

Som et AU -par er du ansvarlig for børnepasning såvel som andre indenlandske forpligtelser for din holdfamilie. Det indebærer at se børn, forberede måltider samt tage sig af andre ansvarsområder såvel som pligter rundt om i huset. Dette er ikke kun et fremragende valg for folk, der kan lide børn, men det er ligeledes en fremragende metode til online som et regionalt under dit ophold.

En af de mest betydningsfulde fordele ved at arbejde som et au -par er, at din Hold -husstand tilbyder din indkvartering. I adskillige situationer vil din husstand tilbyde værelse, værktøjer samt mad under dit ophold. Desuden får du ligeledes en månedlig indkomst såvel som alsidige fridage under din arbejdsferie.

Detailhandel såvel som servicebranchen

Hvis du har en fungerende forståelse af koreansk, kan du muligvis arbejde på detail- eller servicemarkedet i din tid i udlandet. Uanset om du er en barista i centrum af Seoul, en tjener i en verdensomspændende restaurant i Busan eller en bartender midt i Incheon, har du ikke noget problem med at opdage, at de tilbydes chancer i Korea.

Som enhver form for andre kundevendte positioner vil det at være i stand til at tale koreansk betydeligt forbedre dine muligheder for at blive ansat.


Med det bedste dygtighedssæt kan du hurtigt lande en kontoropgave i Korea. Store virksomheder som Samsung, LG, såvel som Hyundai findes i Korea, såvel som typisk ansætter engelsktalende eller udenlandske statsborgere.

Hvis du vælger at arbejde for et verdensomspændende firma, kan du også slippe af sted uden at tale nogen form for koreansk. Talrige verdensomspændende forretning do selskab med andre lande, hvilket gør engelsk til standardsproget. Husk dog, at du ikke kan arbejde på fuld tid, da dit visum kun muliggør maksimalt 1.300 arbejdstid i løbet af dit ophold.

Hvor kan jeg opdage arbejdsferieopgaver?

En af de mest betydningsfulde fordele ved en arbejdsferie i Sydkorea er, at du ikke kræver et officielt opgaveudbud for at ansøge om programmet. Du kan beskytte en opgave, når du ankommer. Lige her er et par metoder til at hjælpe jumpstart din opgave med at gennemse i Korea.

Koreanske opgavesider for udstationerede

Den enkleste metode til at opdage en opgave i Korea er ved at se online. Der er en række opgavesider, der imødekommer udenlandske eller engelsktalende. Et par fremtrædende steder i Korea er Seoul Worldwide Center samt kommer i kontakt med Korea. Du kan endda inspicere Seoul Metropolitan -regeringen for tilbudte engelsktalende job.

Andet på internetsider

Hvis du ikke kan finde ud af, hvad du søger efter på et koreansk websted, foreslår jeg andre fremtrædende opgavesider, som LinkedIn, Glassdoor, såvel som faktisk. På disse

Author: vtcid

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