Posted: 9/9/2019 | September 9th, 2019
One of the most-asked questions on my book trip was: “What comes next?”
Now that I’m back from Paris and have moved out of new York City, and now that my book trip is over, what are my next big plans?
Ikke meget.
Right now, I’m back in Austin. I have to finish moving into my new house (why do couches take so long to arrive?) and, beyond a couple of trips to nyc and DC for weddings, I don’t plan on leaving Austin for a long time.
My passport is staying in my drawer. I’m not moving back to new York or Paris or some other city. I’m not working on a new book. There’s no new big projects. Ikke noget.
For the foreseeable future, all I see is Austin.
And I’m very thrilled about that.
A tree only grows when it has roots, and now that the madness of all this year’s projects is over, those roots can finally start to weave their way into the earth and offer the foundation for even more growth.
I can finally get into the one thing I’ve been craving all year: routine.
I’m going to get into a better workflow, go back to the gym, start cooking again, take up some hobbies, sleep more, and maybe even start holding monthly meet-ups.
Hvem ved!
I used to think that I had to rush my travels, that there was too much of the world to see, and that that was why I couldn’t stop traveling — because, if I did, I’d never see it all.
And to me, that was a crime.
That’s why it was always “just one much more trip.”
Part of me still feels that way.
But, in reality, there is no rush. You can never see it all. There will always be something else to see or do, or something new.
And it will still be there in a few months.
So, best now, the world can wait. I’m exhausted of being on the move. I’m exhausted of staying in spaces not my own. I’m exhausted of wearing the same three t-shirts over and over again.
When that kind of burnout happens, you have to stay put.
So I will stay put and recharge the battery named “travel.”
I don’t know how long it will take. I don’t really care.
I’m in no rush to go anywhere best now.
I always define travel as something that pushes you out of your comfort zone and makes you grow as a person. Being home and learning to stay put will be a new adventure. This is something I’m going to have to learn how to do (it was really difficult passing up on very cheap flights to the Seychelles).
So, in a way, I guess that is what comes next is a deep dive into this concept called “home.”
I’m looking forward to the challenge.
How to travel the world on $50 a Day
My new York Times best-selling paperback guide to world travel will instruct you how to master the art of travel so that you’ll get off the beaten path, save money, and have a deeper travel experience. Det er din A til Z Planning Guide, som BBC kaldte “Bibelen for budgetrejsende.”
Click here to learn much more and start reading it today!
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Glem ikke rejseforsikring
Rejseforsikring vil beskytte dig mod sygdom, skade, tyveri og aflysninger. Det er omfattende beskyttelse, hvis noget går galt. Jeg tager aldrig på en tur uden den, da jeg har været nødt til at bruge den adskillige gange i fortiden. Mine yndlingsfirmaer, der tilbyder den bedste service og værdi, er:
Safetywing (bedst for alle)
Forsikre min rejse (for dem over 70)
Medjet (for yderligere evakueringsdækning)
Klar til at booke din rejse?
Tjek min ressourceside for de bedste virksomheder, der skal bruges, når du rejser. Jeg viser alle dem, jeg bruger, når jeg rejser. De er de bedste i klassen, og du kan ikke gå galt ved at bruge dem på din rejse.