Skimatalk Teacher Review: Optjen $ 30/time online

Undervisning online er en ekstern arbejdsoption, der bliver meget mere populær om dagen. Med fleksibel planlægning og evnen til at arbejde hjemmefra (i dine pyjama -bukser!) Er det ikke underligt, at så mange mennesker er uenige om online engelskundervisning.

Hvis du er helt ny inden for undervisningsverdenen, kan det være svært at finde et firma, der giver dig mulighed for at starte vejledning uden erfaring eller en grad.

Det ser ud til, at adskillige virksomheder vil have dig til at have særlige certificeringer og undervisningserfaring bare for at ansøge, hvilket kan forværre for nye undervisere.

Det er her Skimatalk kommer ind.

I denne skimatalk -gennemgang vil vi dække nøjagtigt, hvordan Skimatalk online undervisningsplatform fungerer, og hvilke kvalifikationer du skal tilmelde dig.

Jeg har været online lærer i omkring 3 år nu, og at tage mit klasseværelse med mig på vejen har været en af ​​de bedste ting, jeg nogensinde har gjort. Jeg er taknemmelig for den økonomiske frihed og placering af uafhængighed, som arbejde online tilbyder mig.

Hvis du ikke har en universitetsgrad, men er en indfødt engelsktalende, kan Skimatalk muligvis være en fantastisk platform for dig. Find ud af meget mere i denne skimatalk læreranmeldelse.

Om skimatalk
Hvorfor blive en skimatalk lærer
Skimatalk lærerkrav
Hvordan man bliver ansat med skimatalk
Hvordan fungerer skimatalk -lektioner?
Skimatalk -tidsplan og bookinger
Hvor meget betaler skimatalk?
Tips til at være en succesrig skimatalk -lærer
Skimatalk læreranmeldelser
Hvem er skimatalk bedst til?

Om skimatalk

Skimatalk er et populært online engelsk firma, der leverer en-til-en-lektioner til tusinder af studerende over hele verden. Studerende kan gennemse det store netværk af skimatalk-tutorer og bog 25-minutters sessioner med lærere, der interesserer dem.

Et af de store salgspunkter på Skimatalk -platformen er, at alle tutorer er indfødte engelsktalende. Studerende er for det meste voksne studerende, og fordi de kommer fra hele verden, er der et krav om klasser 24/7.

Studerende på skimatalk kan vælge, hvilken slags lektion de vil tage. De kan enten tilmelde sig strukturerede kurser oprettet af Skimatalk om en række emner, eller de kan tilmelde sig fritflydende samtalesessioner.

I sidste ende hjælper Skimatalk forbinde lidenskabelige lærere med ivrige engelske elever (i alle aldre) over hele verden.

Hvorfor blive en skimatalk lærer

Med skimatalk har du fleksibilitet med placering, timer og tidsplan.

Der er ingen minimum eller maksimal undervisningstid, og du kan arbejde hvor som helst, så længe du har en god internetforbindelse.

Skimatalk er et engelsksproget markedsplads. Indfødte talere, der er begejstrede for at instruere, kan ansættes, selvom de ikke har konventionelle undervisningsoplysninger eller kvalifikationer.

Efter at have deltaget i platformen er du ansvarlig for at oprette en profil og video, der tiltrækker studerende.

Fordi Skimatalk er rettet mod voksne studerende fra hele verden, får du lære om andre kulturer og livsstil.

Mange andre virksomheder (som den, jeg arbejder for), er rettet mod kinesiske børn, men fordi skimatalklærere er i stand til at interagere med voksne, er de personlige forbindelser, der er skabt med studerende, et højdepunkt i jobbet.

Skimatalk lærerkrav

Det er her Skimatalk adskiller sig fra de meget mere populære platforme som VIPKID og EF -uddannelse først.


1. For at ansøge med skimatalk skal du være 18 år eller ældre.

2. Du skal være indfødte engelsktalende fra De Forenede Stater, Det Forenede Kongerige, Canada, Australien, New Zealand, Sydafrika eller Irland.

3. Du har ikke brug for en BA -grad, en TEFL -certificering eller undervisningserfaring til at instruere med Skimatalk. Men hvis du har disse kvalifikationer, vil det få dig til at virke meget mere attraktiv for potentielle studerende.

At the very least, having your TEFL will give you a leg up on the competition and prepare you for teaching. MyTefl er et af de mest overkommelige og bedste tilgængelige kurser, find ud af meget mere her. Brug promoveringskode GEATS35 til at modtage 35% rabat ved kassen.

Når du er ansat til at instruere med Skimatalk, skal du opretholde en 4,5/5 -vurderingsscore fra dine studerendes anmeldelser. Your teacher no-show ratio should be below 5% and your cancellation ratio should be below 10%.

Tekniske krav

For at instruere med Skimatalk har du brug for en desktop eller en bærbar computer med et webcam og en pålidelig internetforbindelse. You’ll also need a headset with a microphone for good audio quality.

Finally, you’ll need to download Skype on your computer because lessons are conducted through the Skype platform. 

How To get Hired With SkimaTalk

To get hired by SkimaTalk, the first thing you’ll do is create a teaching profile on their website. You’ll submit a video introduction and take a test about how SkimaTalk works and the company policies.

It’s essential to put some effort into your SkimaTalk video introduction because this is what students will see when they decide to book you. remember to speak slowly and clearly so potential students can understand you well.

If you’re uncertain of what to put in your introductory video, you can go to “Search” and click “By Ranking” on the SkimaTalk website. This will show you some of the highest-rated tutors.

Visit their profiles and view their introductory videos to get a good idea of what attracts clients (students). 

You ought to record your video in a quiet environment with good lighting and use a quality microphone so students get a better sense of what classes will be like with you.  

If you pass the test and have an acceptable video, you’ll be notified of your acceptance within 10 company days. 

Hvordan fungerer skimatalk -lektioner?

First, you open up times that you’re available to instruct on the SkimaTalk platform.

You can either wait for students on SkimaTalk to book your sessions, or you can send students from outside of the SkimaTalk platform an invitation link to join and book you. 

Potential students on the SkimaTalk platform can filter tutors by rating, availability, or types of courses offered.

To have the best chance of getting booked, SkimaTalk recommends opening as numerous time spots as possible and providing a broad range of lessons. 

When a student books your class, they can choose a pre-set SkimaTalk lesson or a totally free talk lesson. SkimaTalk course topics include English news, English exam preparation, and company English case studies, among others.

Courses can also be provided as beginner, intermediate, or advanced sessions depending on the needs of the student.

You have access to SkimaTalk lessons and materials that you can use, or you can create your own materials. 

When it’s time for class, you’ll call the student through Skype. lessons last for 25 minutes. After teaching the lesson, you then have 24 hours to submit feedback for the student. 

In this feedback, you will evaluate the student’s language skills. This written feedback is a mandatory part of teaching for SkimaTalk. 

Skimatalk -tidsplan og bookinger

Here’s a breakdown of the scheduling and how students will book you.


Scheduling lessons with SkimaTalk is simple!

Once your account is approved, you’ll go to the “My Page” section of the SkimaTalk website. then you’ll click the “Open Sessions” button to add available sessions to your calendar. 

There are no minimum or maximum teaching hours with SkimaTalk so you’re totally free to work when it’s best for you. remember that not every open spot will get booked so it’s better to open as numerous as you can. 

Will I See The same students Every Class?

No, you will probably see a variety of students on SkimaTalk. because students book you on a class by class basis, you likely will not have a consistent schedule of students.

That being said, if a student really likes your lessons, they might book you numerous times in the future. 

Student No shows and Cancellations

Students on SkimaTalk should abide by the following cancellation fee schedule:

If a student cancels class much more than 24 hours in advance, there is no cancellation fee issued to the teacher.

The student will pay a 20% cancellation fee if they cancel a class between 1-24 hours in advance.

If they cancel between 0-1 hours in advance, they should pay a 50% cancellation fee.

Finally, if the student doesn’t show up and offers no notice, they should pay a 100% cancellation fee. 

Teacher No shows and Cancellations

Likewise, teachers should abide by the following cancellation fee schedule: 

There is no cancellation fee if you cancel a lesson much more than 24 hours in advance

If you cancel a lesson between 1-24 hours in advance, you pay a $3 fee to SkimaTalk.

If you don’t show up or offer any notice, you pay a $9 fee. 

Teachers should call their students on Skype within 30 seconds of the scheduled lesson start time. If you’re much more than five minutes late to a session, it will be counted as a teacher no show. 

If you have too numerous no shows and cancellations, Skimatalk might deactivate your account.

Also, avoid any no shows or cancellations during your first ten lessons on the platform, or else you’ll risk your account being closed altogether.

Basically, just show up for class and you’ll be fine!

Hvor meget betaler skimatalk?

SkimaTalk teachers get to set their own pay rates.When you first sign up for SkimaTalk, you’ll be required to instruct three totally free sessions to make sure you’re a good fit for the platform. This is also a great way to get your first teacher reviews, so make sure you give it your best effort! 

If you successfully instruct your first three classes, your rate will automatically be set to $8 USD per 25-minute class. You are able to change your price as you wish after you’ve taught your three totally free lessons. 

SkimaTalk will keep 20% of the lesson fee for all lessons as commission, so make sure to keep that in mind when setting your pay rate.

Most of the highly-rated tutors charge $10 – $15 USD per 25-minute session (get your TEFL so you are qualified and can charge more!). Newer tutors without numerous reviews typically charged between $7 – $10 USD per 25-minute session.

Teachers are paid once per month through Paypal. 

Tips til at være en succesrig skimatalk -lærer

SkimaTalk offers suggestions to help their teachers get great reviews and recruit much more students — the emphasis is on  being punctual and professional. 

Since lessons are conducted over Skype, you’re urged to use the Skype chatbox feature frequently and give students feedback throughout the lesson.

Remember to smile, be friendly and encouraging, and speak slowly and clearly that your student can understand you.  

Top teachers prepare lessons in advancement but are also able to adjust the lesson pacing and material to suit the needs of the student.

Finally, teachers are also required to leave comprehensive assessment feedback for the student after each meeting. 

After each lesson, the student is able to leave feedback and a rating for their teacher. It’s essential to offer an outstanding classroom experience for your student because these reviews play a big role in future bookings!

Teachers with better reviews show up higher in the SkimaTalk search results. They can also charge much more for their lessons if desired. 

Skimatalk læreranmeldelser

Overall, SkimaTalk’s teacher reviews are positive. teachers typically delight in the platform and feel it is a great place to start teaching online. In this section, we’ll look at some of the common pros and cons of being a SkimaTalk teacher. 

Pros Of teaching With SkimaTalk

As a SkimaTalk teacher, you have full control over when you work. This scheduling flexibility is a good perk and there are no minimum or maximum teaching hours.

Since students come from all over the world, you could be booked during daytime hours in North America. This is not possible to finish with some of the Japan or China-based companies. 

SkimaTalk teachers also get to set their own pay rates. If you have a strong resume and a lot of experience, you could end up earning much much more than you would with a company that pays a standard hourly rate. 

Finally, you have flexibility in what you want to teach. While a student may inform you of their learning objectives and goals, you keep creative freedom with how the lesson looks. 

SkimaTalk offers some materials teachers can use, or you can create their own. many teachers communicate with their students before the lesson to learn about what they need. Then, teachers use a combination of SkimaTalk materials and outside materials to create the session. 

Cons Of teaching With SkimaTalk

The most significant con of SkimaTalk is that you have to instruct your first three lessons on the platform for free. Each lesson is 25-minutes, so you’re essentially working for an hour and a half without pay. 

The other con is that it can be challenging for newer teachers to compete with recognized teachers.

Teachers with higher student reviews will get booked much more often. and when you’re first starting out, it can take a while before you amass several high reviews

Author: vtcid

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