How to Take terrific travel photos with honor 8X

earlier this year, on our second backpacking trip around Japan’s Kansai Region, I discovered something peculiar. We were already Day 4 into our journey, but I was yet to take my DSLR video camera out of my bag.

As a travel blogger, I had always relied on my bulky video camera and even bulkier lenses wherever I go. Over the years, however, the number of times I use it has been diminishing significantly. Lately, I find myself just whipping out my smartphone whenever I need to capture a place or a moment in a photo. Sure, video camera phones don’t have the same quality of a DSLR, but their photography game has been growing strong over the past several years, reaching a level of elegance that is seriously giving DSLRs a run for their money.

We don’t consider ourselves photographers. We’re travelers who simply like to take pictures along the way, so alongside video camera features, we also consider the handiness, benefit and flexibility of the gadgets we own.

Huawei’s sub brand honor sent us a unit of honor 8X and we had been using it over the past week. So far, here are some of its essential features that frequent travelers and casual photo enthusiasts might be interested in. note that these are just our initial thoughts. We’ll update this post when we discover much more as we use it.

Take advantage of its AI camera.

Of course, the first thing we did was tinker with the camera. honor 8X has dual-lens20M + 2M, F/1.8 aperture rear camera, but the feature that gets the most attention is the AI (artificial intelligence) technology. It can discover over 500 various scenarios and adjust the video camera settings accordingly so you don’t have to take too much time doing it yourself.

We’ve been playing with this feature for days, and yes, it works many of the time especially in situations wherein you want the colors to pop. You should keep a close eye on the saturation though because it can be extra at times. The good news is, if the resulting photo isn’t your cup of tea, you can easily revert to the original image, which it keeps. You just need to turn it off. It will work even after you take the image.

Here are some unedited photos with AI on and off.

Notice how the second picture is much more vibrant, making this seafood paella much more appetizing. When we took this photo, the AI automatically detected that we’re taking a picture of food. A food icon appeared at the bottom of the screen. It’s just one of the 22 categories and 500 scenarios that this AI can recognize.
Even when the subject is in the shade or against the light, colors still pop with AI on. As we made the frame, the phone automatically detected that I’m shooting something with blue skies. What it did is it made the sky and the pool bluer. notice how the sky in the first picture is a bit pale, while it looks bluer and sunnier in the second pic. The details of the pool are also much more visible. even the greens are brighter.
For hazy scenes, the AI also makes the picture much more alive. The colors pop and the contrast is higher, making the subject stand out. The AI can turn an otherwise gloomy photo into something much more energetic.

Apply broad Aperture for close-up shots.

One thing I find myself using much more typically is broad Aperture. video camera phones by default try to keep all the elements within the frame in focus, which isn’t a good idea if you want to drive the viewer’s attention to only a particular spot. but what the honor 8X has is an adjustable aperture effect, which you can apply even after taking the shot. This allows you to change which parts and how much of the picture is in and out of focus. here are some unedited pics taken using the broad Aperture effect.

In the first pic, the building in the background competes with the subject. In the second pic, the building fades, drawing your attention to the flowers alone. You can adjust how blurry you want the background to be.
Samme her. The default shot puts everything in focus, even the writings on the paper place mat. The top photo makes the food pop a little bit more.
It also works for portraits. and honor 8x takes it to another level by using the same AI technology. It has 3D portrait lighting, which enables beautification and bokeh effects for a much more creative shot. It makes lighting effects that match your surroundings.

Explore other shooting modes

With other smartphones, some shooting modes can only be utilized with a third party app, but with honor 8X, these are all built-in. The night Mode, in particular, is fascinating. The AI technology also reduces blurring when taking pics in low-light conditions. even when my hands were shaky, it’s still able to produce a sharp image through a multi-frame stabilization technology. but of course, just because it has that power doesn’t imply you ought to relocation while taking a photo. You still have to try to do your part and be stable for best results.

ODer er optagelsestilstande inkluderer HDR, Panorama og Portrait.

Brug Pro -tilstand til at justere videokameraindstillinger manuelt.

Der er også en Pro -tilstand. Der er tidspunkter, hvor ingen af ​​de forudindstillede tilstande ikke kan fange den bedste indstilling eller effekt. Denne funktion giver dig mulighed for at justere indstillingerne manuelt inklusive lukkerhastigheden, ISO, blænde og hvidbalance.

Dette er også optimalt for dem, der er sikre på deres fotogfærdigheder og ikke er afhængige af de forudindstillede tilstande.

Andre funktioner

Her er andre ikke-kamerafunktioner, som du måske også er interesseret i.

Lang batterilevetid. Denne telefon sætter en ære i batteriet med en kapacitet på 3750mAh, som kan vare i over en dag på en enkelt opladning. For rejsende er dette et vigtigt aktiv, fordi du kontinuerligt opladning af din telefon eller at forbinde den til en powerbank kan være generende og kontraproduktiv. Det siges, at Honor 8X er udstyret med en intelligent strømbesparende teknologi, der skubber batteriets levetid med 33% længere.

Stor fillagringskapacitet. Honor 8x har 128 GB/64 GB ROM, hvilket giver dig masser af plads til tusinder af rejsebilleder. Oven i det understøtter det også et udvideligt microSD -kort på op til 400 GB, hvilket indebærer, at det kan rumme meget mere end nogensinde. Hvis du kan lide at tage videoer på vejen, er dette værd at undersøge.

Stor 6,5-tommer skærm .. Hvis du er som mig, der kan lide at se film eller tv-shows (Netflix!) I tomgangstider på vejen som under transit eller flyvning, betyder skærmspecifikationerne en meget mere fordybende se oplevelse. Honor 8x kan prale af et 6,5-tommer hak med fuld visningsdisplay 2.0 og et forhold på 19,5: 9, som er tæt på biografforholdet. At have en stor, klar skærm garanterer også, at du ser detaljerne om, hvad du prøver at fange og have et godt greb om videokamera -kontrollerne.

Det har kun været et par dage, og vi prøver stadig at udforske de andre funktioner på denne telefon. Vi opdaterer dette indlæg, når vi opdager meget flere ting, som vi tror kan være nyttige for rejsende som os, så kom tilbage nu og da!

Vær den første til at vide om Huaweis undermærke Honor’s nyeste smartphone-ære 8x, der kommer ud den 10. oktober 2018. Priser og tilgængelighed vil snart blive annonceret.

For meget mere information, se Honor Online på eller følg dem på:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram og YouTube.

Dette indlæg bringes til dig af ære. Meninger er mine egne.

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Author: vtcid

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